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Everything you need for digital camera sensor cleaning

If you are planning to clean your digital camera — find products tailored to your digital SLR or mirrorless camera cleaning. Please be attentive when you start sensor cleaning. You can find on this site two different ways to clean your digital camera sensor — wet (to remove oil, smear, lubricant) and dry (to remove dust, sand).

Welcome to VisibleDust web site.

We created this web site for you. Here you can find precise information on how to keep your Digital SLR camera or mirrorless camera clean using the safest methods and solutions to eliminate all kind of contamination from sensor, focusing screen and mirror. Also we provide “must know” information about digital cameras features such as sensor sizes, different sensor coating and how to handle

We have a lot of tutorial videos about camera and sensor cleaning. Please read the instructions carefully before you start the cleaning process.

It is proven safe and effective to clean your digital camera sensor with VisibleDust line of products.

Check our products page!

Thank you.

The Facts and Science of DSLR camera cleaning

World´s #1 digital sensor cleaning products as rated by professional photographers (by Cool Companies magazine)

"...Since digital camera sensors are very delicate, they are easily damaged and their replacement can be as much as a new camera. To address this challenge, VisibleDust has created a line of products based on nanotechnology. One example is a special brush coated with permanently charged nanoparticles that attracts dust...."

What makes VisibleDust a different company...

There are many myths floating around the Internet about what is the safest and best method to clean your digital camera's sensor. At VisibleDust, we invest heavily in scientific research to help you save time and money making an informed decision based on fact, not on opinion.

At VisibleDust we use a scientific approach to remove dust and stains from the surface of your digital camera´s sensor. It involves in-depth research and analysis on the safety and long-term use of our products. This makes us a different company than those who simply use home-made tools or over-the-counter products without any safety evaluations or scientific knowledge.

Most people assume that most digital cameras come with dust already on the sensor. That is a fact based on their real life experience. However, most of the dust is dislodged from within the camera during transportation and changes in air pressure.

To understand how to properly remove dust or spots from your sensor, we first need to know what they are and where they come from. The spots that are usually seen on the sensor are either wet or dry and where they come from is either an internal or external source.

Why it is important to clean all the parts, not just the sensor?

The following images show how the various components of dust are made. By knowing these components one can determine how to eliminate these sources using scientific methods. The samples are taken from the body of the camera and under the metallic O-ring that attaches the lens to the body.

The interesting point is that the silicon which is usually the most damaging component due to its hardness is embedded within the core of dust. The other components such as Cr, Ni are coming from the steel that probably originates from the metallic O-ring that attaches the lens to the body. It is not surprising that due to mechanical friction some metallic crumbs are generated that eventually land on the sensor.

Attention UK Customer

You can now place your order online for a faster and more affordable delivery to UK at visibledust.co.uk,

 Camera Cleaning News

Arctic Butterfly 724X Super Bright
Sensor Brush for cleaning sensor of digital cameras: free shipping to US and Canada Free Shipping to US and Canada now available for Arctic Butterfly® 724X Super Bright Sensor Brush®

For professional camera sensor cleaning. Bulk 316 Plus MXD-100 Green Bundle.

For professional camera sensor cleaning. Bulk 316 Plus MXD-100 Green Bundle.

Quasar R 5x Sensor Loupe Magnifier uses Dark Adaptation Technology (DAT) to enhance visual acuity to find dust and stains which are otherwise not visible in the presence of white light. Quasar® R 5x Sensor Loupe Magnifier uses Dark Adaptation Technology (DAT) to enhance visual acuity to find dust and stains which are otherwise not visible in the presence of white light.

NEW Arctic Beez� pulsating device. 4x more efficient. PLUS EZ Kit Orange Swabs FREE!

Arctic Beez™ is a pulsating device

with frequency of 13000 rpm and a unique buzzing sound similar to that of bees. The Swabsonic™ Technology is powered by DC engine and smart electronic circuitry that generates soft sonic vibration to loosen dirt and stain on the coated sensor. It helps to reduce the number of swabs used in sticky dirt situation leading to essential cost saving.